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how do I open a * .wmf file?

Asked by
Karl Weber
2018/10/07 13:45
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open a WMF file
Operating System:
Windows 8.1
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Answered by
Lokesh Yadav
2018/10/07 13:56
Hi Karl,

WMF is short for Windows Metafile. This image format was designed by Microsoft in the 1990s for their Windows Operating System. WMF files contain both vector graphics and raster components at the same time. It includes sort of programming commands which enables the creation of lines, circles, and rectangles on the viewing applications. This 16-bit image format is portable between applications. Also, WMF is the native vector format of Microsoft Office applications (MS Word, MS PowerPoint and MS Publisher). This format is also supported in PaintShop Pro.

How to open WMF files with PaintShop Pro
  1. Launch PaintShop Pro
  2. Choose File > Open
  3. Find the WMF file you wish to open
  4. Select the File(s)
  5. Edit & Save Your File!
I hope this helps.



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