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We’re curious to see what you do while you wait for you computer to start in the morning. Many people just expect to wait 15 minutes in the morning for their computer to start up and find something else to keep them busy in the mean time.

We are excited to announce that Driver Reviver, the quickest and easiest way to update you computer drivers, now supports multiple languages!

ReviverSoft is very excited to announce that it has just received the editors’ choice award from the authoritative and respected review site Top Ten Reviews

New Version of Battery Optimizer Released

ReviverSoft is excited to announce the newest version of Battery Optimizer.

The new version includes a new and improved battery scanning algorithm, Windows 7 full compatibility and better battery usage monitoring.

If you have a laptop and you aren’t getting the battery life that you hoped for we encourage you to give Battery Optimizer a try!

We go through the results of our last post which asked who is still using Windows XP and why. Some very interesting results!

Are you still using Windows XP? If so, why?

What is the difference between a new computer and a slow computer? In most cases, about 3 weeks.

How Do I Free up Space on My Hard Drive?

Although hard drive space is cheaper than it has ever been right now it never seems to be enough to hold our ever expanding collections of music, movies, pictures and programs. We thought that we would take the time to show you a few of the ways that you can free up some extra hard drive space without investing in a bigger driving or deleting you personal files.

Hi Everyone,

Sorry we haven’t updated the blog for a while. We have been working on some new and exciting products which we will be announcing shortly so stay tuned.

The team at ReviverSoft is very excited to announce the launch of a brand new product called Battery Optimizer. Battery Optimizer is a brand new application that is designed to help laptop owners optimize laptop battery life by offering feedback on what laptop features a user can disable and how much extra battery life can be gained by doing so. These days so many people are opting for a laptop over a desktop because of the mobility and freedom that can be achieved with a laptop. Gone are the days […]

Here’s some valuable insight into the importance of keeping the software running on your PC up to date!

How Secure is My Password? Free Expert Advice

There was an interesting summary article written on Tech Crunch about analysis that was done on a recent RockYou security breach.  32 million people had their RockYou accounts hacked. This is unfortunately becoming a common problem with large member based sites. The really interesting part of what happened is that a company called imperva did some analysis on the passwords used by the RockYou users and the findings were staggering!

We’re excited here at ReviverSoft to introduce our first iPhone application!

We cannot deny that the iPhone is an amazing device and this has been show by it’s rapid and continual rise in popularity around the globe. Which all it’s fantastic features and vast array of apps there is major shortfall and that is this screen:

Happy New Year From ReviverSoft!

Happy New Year, ReviverSoft blog readers and customers!

Speed Up your Old PC this Holidays

There is no doubt that times are tough right now. The world has not seen this large a financial crisis in a long time. Many people are out of work and the rest hope they can keep their jobs. Many people are looking at getting new computers this Christmas.

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