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.drf Přípona souboru

Vývojář: Autodesk
Typ souboru: VIZ Render File
Jsi tady, protože máte soubor, který má příponu souboru končí v .drf. Soubory s příponou souboru .drf může být spuštěn pouze některých aplikací. Je možné, že .drf jsou datové soubory, spíše než dokumenty nebo média, což znamená, že to není chtěl být viděn vůbec.

to, co je .drf soubor?

VIZ Render soubory jsou digitální 3D obrázky uložené ve formátu DRF. "DRF" v tomto formátu je zkratka pro Discreet Render Formát, a tyto DRF soubory jsou umístěny s .drf prodloužení. Software Autodesk Architecture, zejména starší verze tohoto programu, je dodáván s VIZ Render žádosti, a tento program slouží k vytvoření, otevřený a upravit obsah souborů ve formátu DRF. Obsah souboru DRF se obvykle skládá z poskytnutých obrazů, které tvoří stavební konstrukce mimo jiné modelovaných architektonických návrhů různých struktur vyvinutých a zadaných autorů souborů DRF. 3ds Max 2013 software může být použit k otevření a zobrazit obsah těchto souborů DRF. Existují verze této aplikace pro systémy Mac a Microsoft Windows. Uživatelé mohou pouze otevřít a zobrazit obsah těchto souborů DRF se softwarem Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 (také vyvinutý společností Autodesk), protože tato aplikace není realizován s podporou pro ukládání projektů ve formátu DRF, i když uživatelé mohou exportovat tyto soubory DRF do projekty MAX, které jsou uloženy ve formátu MAX a připojených s příponou .max.

jak otevřít .drf soubor?

Spuštění .drf soubor, nebo jakýkoliv jiný soubor na vašem PC, poklepáním jej. Pokud jsou vaše asociace souborů nastaven správně, aplikace, která je možno otevřít svůj .drf Soubor se otevře ji. Je to možné, budete muset stáhnout nebo zakoupit správnou aplikaci. Je také možné, že máte správnou aplikaci na vašem PC, ale .drf Soubory se dosud s ním spojené. V tomto případě, když se pokusíte otevřít .drf souboru, můžete říct, Windows, která aplikace je ten správný pro daný soubor. Od té doby, otevření .drf Soubor se otevře správnou aplikaci. Klikněte zde pro opravu chyb asociační .drf souborů

aplikace, které otevírají .drf soubor

Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 for Mac

Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 for Mac

In installing Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 for Mac, the user's system must use Boot Camp or Parallels Desktop 4.0 so that it can manage an OS with a dual configuration to meet the minimum system requirements. The Boot Camp is a utility that helps in enabling Mac OS to operate on a dual boot system. Parallel desktop is also a system utility developed by Parallels Inc. that uses a guest operating system to map the resources of the computer host's hardware into a a virtual machine. Mac users must have enough memory so that the Mac OS X and Mac application together with the memory needed for the virtual machine's operating system in order for it to run smoothly. Mac users also has the option of Virtualization which allows Windows operating system to run as a guest within the host which is the Apple Mac OS. The hardware requirements for Mac are as follows, and Apple Mac OS X 10.5.x or higher operating system, Processor should be Intel based Mac with 64-bit Windows Vista requires an Intel Core 2 duo or Intel Xeon processor. Minimum requirement for RAM is 2 GB but the recommended are d 4-GB for 32-bit guest OS, 8-GB or more for 64-bit guest OS. disk space should have a minimum of 20-GB for the Apple OS partition, minimum 20-GB for the guest OS partition and the Boot Camp version should be V 2.0 or higher.
Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 with SpeedTreeMAX plugin

Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 with SpeedTreeMAX plugin

SpeedTreeMAX plugin is integrated with the Autodesk 3ds Max 2013. SpeedTree allows users to add and place billboard trees into their designs as added scenery. It has 30 trees that are contained within a SPT File. SPT files has all the detailed information about the tree. There are also a variety of shrubs, both the trees and the shrubs comes with different levels of detail. Users can choose an SPT file by browsing on the SpeedTree Library folder. SPT files have suffixes like _LD, _MD, or _HD, which indicates their level of detail. _LD stands for Low Detail, _MD stands for Medium Detail, and _HD stands for High Detail. Once imported into the design, the tree quickly updates and even does re-computing, which happens in real-time, this will determine if the overall tree structure is suitable for the scenery. The user will be ready to render when the tree has been selected and its general shape established. In the plugin, the number of standard tree faces available for high detail is 100,000 and there are several options available for the low detail tree faces. It also comes with a built-in wind from 3ds max for realistic movements of tree which can even control individual leaf movement. SpeedTreeMAX plugin supports network rendering, users would only have to copy the plugin files to each system of the design and share it in a common location.


Autodesk offers a wide variety of 3D design, engineering and entertainment softwares. Its products and features are used in various industries of architecture, engineering, building, manufacturing and even media and entertainment. They offer products that aids in designing, visualization, and simulation of an artist's idead before they are created or even built. Autodesk softwares have the ability to create visual effect for movies, design buildings that gives off energy, model an electric car and what kind of battery it has for power support, the work of 3D software has boundless capabilities. Autodesk now also provides apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Android phones for professional and amateur designers, engineering and architecture students, homeowners, real estate developers or anyone who has interest in creating their own ideas and are now able to share it to others. Autodesk products are categorized as AutoCAD products, Inventor products, Revit products, 3ds Max products, Maya producrs, Autodesk Vault, Autodesk Simulation, Autodesk sketchbooks, Autodesk Constructware and many others.
Autodesk 3ds Max or 3D Studio

Autodesk 3ds Max or 3D Studio

Autodesk 3ds Max was used to be known as 3D studio Max. It was a computer graphics model used in making 3D animation models and images and was used on a Microsoft Windows platform. Designers who used this software were mostly movie effects specialists, video game developers, architecture visualization studios, and commercial studios. It had features like MAXScript, Character Studio, Scene Explorer, DWG Import, Texture assignment and editing, General reframing, Constrained animation, Skinning, Skeletons and inverse kinematics, Integrated Cloth Server and Integration with Autodesk Vault. Originally, 3D Studio was running on a DOS platform. It was developed by the Yost Group and was published by Autodesk. On the 4th release of 3D studio in DOS platform, it was renamed into "3D Studio MAX" and was written for the Windows NT platform. This version was also created by the Yost Group and was released by Autodesk's media and entertainment division, the Kinetix. On the second release of 3D Studio Max, Autodesk purchased the product and developed it internally for the next two releases. The product name was later changed to "3ds max" and on its 8th release, the product was branded with the company logo of Autodesk. In the 2009 release of the product, its names was changed into "Autodesk 3ds Max".
Autodesk 3ds Max 2013

Autodesk 3ds Max 2013

Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 is a software that has specialized toolsets for gamedevelopers motion and visual effects artists. One of its tools is the 3D modeling, where users can create parametric and organic objects, with a Graphire modeling toolset that has 100 advanced polygonal modeling and freeform 3D design tools. It features Shading and texturing with a wide collection of mapping, texture painting and layering options. users can perform creative texture mapping like decal placement and spline mapping, they can also edit complex shading hierarchies, and use Viewport Canvas toolset to paint multiple layers in any maps. It features an animation that helps make believable, life-like characters. It has skit modifier and CAT muscle, 3ds Max bones inverse kinematics solvers and rigging tools that are customizable. By using its high performance toolsets, users can create dynamics effects and simulation. Through 3D rendering, users can achieve optimum image quality that gives predictable, photorealistic results. The Data transfer and Pipeline Integration enables users to import data from several sources, and also transfer 3ds Max and 3dsMax design data to users, locations, file iterations and software applications. This software also encourages Collaborative Workflows in which users can share date in complex scenes and lets others contribute to the task.

slovo varování

Dávejte pozor, abyste přejmenovat příponu na .drf soubory, nebo jiné soubory. To se nezmění typ souboru. Pouze speciální konverzní software může změnit soubor z jednoho typu souboru do druhého.

Co je příponu souboru?

Přípona souboru je sada tří nebo čtyř postav na konci souboru, v tomto případě, .drf. Přípony souborů řeknu, jaký typ souboru je to, a řekni Windows jaké programy lze otevřít. Windows často spojuje výchozí program pro každou příponu souboru, takže při poklepání na soubor, program se spustí automaticky. Když tento program je již na vašem počítači, můžete občas se vyskytne chyba při pokusu otevřít příslušný soubor.

Najděte a opravte chyby rozšíření souborů, problémy s registrem a obnovte optimální výkon počítače rychle, snadno a bezpečně.

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