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I paid for the product: registy reviver, the reference number: 73745316, but not playing and I can not log in

Asked by
arja sauvala
2015/05/08 00:09
1 Likes It
the computer is in HP, the program: windous 7 home premium, the system: Hewlett-Packard Company, model: G5325 SC,
invoice number AKD 73640642599
Operating System:
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Answered by
Martin Carbos
2015/05/12 06:50
Hi Arja,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Kindly send an email to for further assistance regarding your concern. Please don't forget to include your account information.

Please do not share your license/order details publicly as this can be misused. We have a dedicated support area for all our customers.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Answered by
Lokesh Yadav
2016/09/18 12:40

0 votes

Hi Arja,

If you are facing any issue with login,l please ensure below pints are not causing any problem:
  • If you copy a space at the start or end of the license code, it will cause the license code not to work.
  • If you are using the license details from a different product, you will be unable to complete the activation. All ReviverSoft products are different and require separate purchases and licenses. You need a license code for your purchased product only.
  • If you have typed in the license code incorrectly, it will not work. In order to avoid this, you should copy the complete license code from your purchase confirmation email and then paste it directly into the activation window.
  • Do ensure that your internet connection is working correctly and that you have checked your firewall settings. You can either temporarily disable your firewall or add an exception for the Reviversoft product.
  • Do a check of your computer’s date and time. An incorrect date might cause the reviversoft server system to think that your license code has already expired.

Do note that the Licence code would not work if you have used it on any other PC previously. If this is the case, then it is possible you might have upgraded Windows and thus installed it again more than a single time.

So you need to contact the support team by filling out the below form:

http: //reviversoft.c ...

An executive will help you out at the earliest.

And also do not disclose your licence details here like Reference number over here as it can be misused by someone else and then again you may get this error of Licence already being used.

I hope this helps.


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