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Estensione File Search

.mpr Estensione file

Sviluppatore: Microsoft Corporation
Tipo di file: Program File
Sei qui perché avete un file che ha una estensione di file che termina in .mpr. I file con l'estensione del file .mpr può essere lanciato solo da alcune applicazioni. E 'possibile che .mpr sono file di dati piuttosto che documenti o supporti, il che significa che non sono stati concepiti per essere visualizzato affatto.

quello che è un .mpr file?

L'estensione del file MPR è associato ad un formato di file di dati di Visual FoxPro. I file apposte con questo tipo di estensione sono noti come il menu FoxPro Generato Program Files. Serve come codice sorgente del sistema di gestione di database relazionali a oggetti. Il formato del file MPR e Visual FoxPro sono stati sviluppati da Microsoft Corporation. Il software consente alle applicazioni basate sui dati di progettazione per gli utenti di Windows. Si definisce una sorgente di dati o uno crea per utilizzare in un'applicazione FoxPro e utilizza l'applicazione per controllare come i dati vengono presentati all'utente, e come l'utente può interagire con esso. Esso utilizza un linguaggio di programmazione dinamica e può essere utilizzato per scrivere tradizionali, applicazioni middleware e web e può funzionare con qualsiasi tipo di database. Inoltre, si connette a qualsiasi fonte di dati end ODBC indietro. Il software utilizza una combinazione di XML linguaggi di programmazione e di SQL nei progetti di database. Si utilizza anche strumenti visivi; orientato agli oggetti linguaggio di programmazione, e debugger integrato. I file in formato di file MPR possono essere aperti con Microsoft Visual FoxPro in piattaforme Microsoft Windows.

come aprire un .mpr file?

Lanciare un .mpr file o qualsiasi altro file sul tuo PC, facendo doppio clic su di esso. Se le vostre associazioni dei file sono impostati correttamente, l'applicazione che è destinata ad aprire il vostro .mpr il file si aprirà. E 'possibile, potrebbe essere necessario scaricare o acquistare l'applicazione corretta. E 'anche possibile che si ha la corretta applicazione sul vostro PC, ma .mpr file non sono ancora associati con esso. In questo caso, quando si tenta di aprire un .mpr il file, si può dire di Windows quale applicazione è quella giusta per quel file. Da allora in poi, l'apertura di un .mpr il file si aprirà la corretta applicazione. Clicca qui per correggere gli errori di associazione di file .mpr

applicazioni che aprono un .mpr file

Visual FoxPro

Visual FoxPro

Visual FoxPro is the object-oriented RDBMS [relational database management system] that enables you to create desktop and Web database solutions. It provides fast application development tools to maximize productivity of applications and components for your database, powerful data management capabilities and flexibility for creating any type of database solution. Its object-oriented, data-centered language lets you create multi-layered, scalable and modern programs that combine server/client computing and the Internet. Visual FoxPro’s event and object models can quickly apply the applications that you have rapidly developed using Visual FoxPro wizards, toolbars, designers and wizards. You also have the advantage to speed up the development of your processes with Visual FoxPro’s Rushmore Query Optimization engine and object-oriented programming properties. You can create your user interface without programming requirements. You can simultaneously access database components, and trace and protect changes made to your source code using sources control programs provided by the Project Manager. You can control other applications using automation, share data and use their materials. Visual FoxPro integrates direct access to native server syntax utilizing SQL pass-through with higher level of support for updatable views of server data. PRG [Visual FoxPro Program File] is the text program file used to create Windows database programs. This file contains one to several commands that instruct Visual FoxPro to load a window or form within the program. It often has a “DO” command. It allows a program to be run within Visual FoxPro. MLB [Visual FoxPro Library] file contains an API that is specifically used for Mac to create database programs using Mac platforms only. It contains a common program code that may be accessed by multiple components of an application. VCX [Visual FoxPro Class Library] file contains a reference table of categories of objects used by Visual FoxPro database.
EZ Index

EZ Index

The NTX file has two associations. One is the encrypted text format of the New Testament for theWord Bible Software called theWord Encrypted New Testament Text Module that aids in the distribution of protected New Testament digital copies. The other one is the Clipper Index File developed by Clipper that is used to define Clipper database structure and its fields. It has similarity to NDX file, but it can perform longer search for key expressions and data storage formatted as ASCII. Clipper is a programming language that creates software originally operating on DOS for business programs. It supports several language extensions and database formats like DBF, DBFCDX and DBTNTX. Programs that can open NTX files are Dbf/Ntx Reader, dataBased Intelligence dBASE and EZIndex that runs on Windows. EZIndex is a system that keeps a data dictionary of indexes for files you use for your application. It supports NTX files [Clipper] and CDX files [FoxPro]. It allows you to search an index file through the search option.


FoxPro, a procedural programming language and database management system created by Fox Software, has been widely used even before it was turned over to Visual FoxPro. It still enjoys a strong support from its community of programmers and users up to this day. FoxPro versions 2.0, 2.5 and 2.6 are compatible with Mac, DOS and Windows 3.1 to XP. Version 2.6 is compatible also with Linux and Free BSD, SCO Unix and Windows 2000. FoxPro 2 used Rushmore, an optimizing engine that used indices to look for matching expressions, to accelerate data updating and data retrieval. FoxPro 2 was built originally on Watcom C++ that has its own extensor making it the most up-to-date technology at that time. It could access expanded and extended memory making it able to utilize almost all available RAM [DOS]. If HIMEM.SYS is not loaded, FoxPro enabled a mechanism of using interrupts when extended memory driver is absent. File formats associated with FoxPro: ACT [FoxPro Documenting Wizard Action Diagram], APP [FoxPro Generated Application], DBC [FoxPro Database], DBF [Database File], DBF [FoxPro Table], DBG [FoxPro Debugger Configuration], DBT [Database Text File], DCT [FoxPro Database Memo], DCX[FoxPro Database Index], ERR [FoxPro Compilation Error], FKY [FoxPro Macro], FLL [FoxPro Dynamic Link Library], FMT [Foxpro Format File], FPT [FoxPro Table Memo], FRT [FoxPro Report Memo], FRX [FoxPro Report], FXP [FoxPro Compiled Program], LBT [FoxPro Labeled Memo], LBX [FoxPro Label File], LST [FoxPro Documenting Wizard List], MEM [FoxPro Variable File], MNX [FoxPro Menu], MPR [FoxPro Generated Menu Program], MPX [FoxPro Compiled Menu Program], NDX [dBASE Index File], PJX [FoxPro Project], PJT [FoxPro Project Memo], QPR [FoxPro Generated Query Program], QPX [FoxPro Compiled Query Program], VUE [FoxPro 2.x View Settings], WIN [FoxPro Window Settings], TBK [FoxPro Memo Backup], SPR [FoxPro Generated Screen File], SCT [FoxPro Form Memo] and SCX [FoxPro Form].
FormTool Filler

FormTool Filler

Form Tools is a program for the gathering and management of information. It provides Data Visualization module that lets you visualize your data through line charts, pie charts, area charts, column charts and bar charts for you to be able to give your data some form. It enables you to build reports by creating simple reports for submission of your forms. You can customize the field types used within Form Tools. It allows you to create forums on Facebook. It provides complete search by keyword, form pack or edition for you to access a form pack, a single form or a library of forms. It allows on-screen filling, integrates with other databases like SQL, Access, FoxPro, Excel, etc., can import graphic files from BMP format to JPEG or GIF, easy E-mailing of forms, interface compatible with MS Office, employs drag and drop, provides data storage, built-in spell check, interactive tutorials and provides templates for different functions such as time sheet, meetings, various applications, HR forms, bids and proposals, etc.
dataBased Intelligence dBase

dataBased Intelligence dBase

dataBased Intelligent dBased is a software that manages databases for minicomputers. It is a query system and a forms engine as well as a programming language. The format of dBase files is .dbf. This software was originally design for Control/Program Monitor and was later ported to the Apple II and IBM PC which is under the Disk Operating System. After several years, many companies made their own products which were Foxpro and Clipper. And these new program were much better that dBase. dBase used to make and application for window such as Web applications. An IDE with and Navigator as well as a Command Window would be the feature of dBase, with a preprocessor and an interpreter machine which is virtual. dBase intelligence is also responsible for various graphical user interface such as Form Designer, Report Designer, Menu Designer ,SQl Query designer , a Project that manages upon deploying simplified dBase application, Container, and these objects under dBase can be subclasses by simply adding new properties at the runtime.

una parola di avvertimento

Fare attenzione a non rinominare l'estensione .mpr file o qualsiasi altro file. Questo non cambierà il tipo di file. Solo software di conversione speciale può modificare un file da un tipo di file a un altro.

che cosa è un estensione del file?

Una estensione è l'insieme di tre o quattro caratteri alla fine di un nome di file, in questo caso, .mpr. Le estensioni dei file indicano il tipo di file che è, e raccontano di Windows quali programmi possono aprire. Finestre spesso associa un programma predefinito per ogni estensione di file, in modo che quando si fa doppio clic sul file, il programma si avvia automaticamente. Quando questo programma non è più sul vostro PC, a volte è possibile ottenere un errore quando si tenta di aprire il file associato.

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