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.kth Filutvidelse

Utvikler: Apple Inc.
Filtype: Keynote Theme
Du er her fordi du har en fil som har en filutvidelse som slutter .kth. Filer med filtypen .kth kan bare lanseres av visse applikasjoner. Det er mulig det .kth filer er datafiler i stedet for dokumenter eller medier, noe som betyr at de ikke er ment å bli sett i det hele tatt.

hva er en .kth fil?

Den .kth forlengelse brukes for tema filer som er opprettet ved hjelp av et presentasjonsprogram som heter Keynote som ble utviklet av Apple Inc. Dette presentasjonsprogram ble først utgitt i 2003, og fra da av det gjennomgikk påfølgende revisjoner for å ivareta funksjonalitet og kompatibilitetsproblemer. Mens denne søknaden ble opprinnelig ment å kjøres på personlige datamaskiner (PC) og bærbare datamaskiner, kan det også kjøres ved hjelp av mobile enheter som iPod touch, iPad og iPhone. Temaet datafil opprettet ved hjelp av Keynote kan holde ulike skrifter, farger, tabeller, diagrammer, maler, tema sklier, grafiske detaljer og animasjonseffekter, animerte bakgrunner, tre dimensjon lysbilde bevegelse, tilpasset utseende, og innebygde fargerike temabilder og egenskaper , blant andre. Dette temaet datafilen er svært nyttig for formell og uformell presentasjon under temamøter, samlinger og gruppeaktiviteter så vel som under virksomheten konferanser, handel expo og andre aktiviteter. Filen kan åpnes ved hjelp Apple Keynote 5.1.

hvordan å åpne en .kth fil?

Start en .kth fil eller annen fil på PCen, ved å dobbeltklikke på den. Hvis filforeningene dine er konfigurert riktig, er det programmet som skal åpne din .kth filen vil åpne den. Det er mulig at du må laste ned eller kjøpe riktig program. Det er også mulig at du har riktig program på PCen, men .kth filer er ikke tilknyttet det. I dette tilfellet, når du prøver å åpne en .kth fil, kan du fortelle Windows hvilket program som er riktig for den filen. Fra da av åpner en .kth filen vil åpne det riktige programmet. Klikk her for å fikse .kth filtilknytning feil

applikasjoner som åpner en .kth fil

Apple Keynote 5.1

Apple Keynote 5.1

Apple Keynote 5.1 is a 2011 version of Keynote, which is a presentation software that is under the iWork suite. It is actually the 21st version released by Apple in July 20, 2011. This version has the basic features and functions but with new and improved tools, such as the Mac OS X Lion support, auto save capability, resume, full-screen view, and character picker. It also has improved compatibility with Microsoft Office from Windows computers. Another new tool included is the Anvil and Fall Apart. A newer version succeeded Keynote 5.1, which is now the Keynote 5.1.1, launched last December 1, 2011. Added feature on this version is the ability to address troubleshooting issues during a current use of the software on Mac OS X Lion. It also has improved accessibility and stability. Both the Keynote 5.1 and 5.1.1 have the functionality with Keynote Remote application to control or manage slideshowing using either the iPod Touch or iPhone.


Users can create Adobe PDF files using the PDF Maker applet of FileMaker Pro 8.5 and FileMaker Pro Advanced 8.5. It can run on Windows and Mac. In FileMaker’s Adobe PDF Library, users can edit, print, view and email information from your database, in the form of PDF files. This program also enables users to easily share files with others outside their FileMaker groups or other users without FileMaker. To create a PDF file, choose an Adobe function [Document, Security, Initial View] by clicking Options. Choose Security to open, edit, copy or print the document. When done, save the document. The PDF will automatically open so you can view its content. Users can send the file through email as an attachment. Just choose the proper option from the "Save As" box. Data from FilePro can be saved in any mode, as a PDF file, except in the Find mode. How the PDF file will appear depends on the current layout of the document. Users can control the privacy of their PDF files by encrypting them with a password. Runtime Solutions does not support PDF Maker.
Apple Xcode (GCC)

Apple Xcode (GCC)

Xcode is developed by Apple which uses developing tools and functions as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) mainly for software development. Xcode features a technology called Bonjour protocol used by the Share Workgroup Build, which automatically detects computers who has the free software which is the Distributed compilation for faster C/CC++ builds (distcc) and compiler services. It also can distribute the building of source code over numerous computers. Xcode has the ability to build software that can run on an Intel based platform and a PowerPC, which can either be a 32-bit or a 64-bit code. Latest versions also has Dedicated Network Builds, a second system which has better scaling in huge configurations. In projects that needs frameworks in building Java applications and Web services, Xcode uses Apple's WebObjects. But in Xcode version 3.0 WOLips was used, though version 3 still has WebObjects. Xcode also uses iOS SDK in compiling and debugging application for iOS which are running on the ARM processor. As part of OpenSolaris and developed by Sun Microsystems, Xcode uses DTrace, a tracing framework in which GUI instrument tools run atop. All downloads for the Xcode from previous to the latest version are found in the Apple developer website.
N3V Games Trainz Driver

N3V Games Trainz Driver

Trainz Driver is also known as Trainz Driver Edition in the USA, is a version of Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006 missing the Surveyor module, having only the Driver module, and considered a demo for TRS2006. It did, on the other hand, it has different rolling stock, such as Amtrak engines and cars, and a user-generated route that was beforehand incomplete, Marias Pass, was included complete. The UK release date was 24 February 2006. CDP files are classified as data files and known as Trainz Simulator Content Dispatcher set. CDP file format was also executed by N3V Games into the Trainz Simulator video game software allowing third party developers and users to trade in sceneries and map routes in the midst of other designs for supported models as supplementary essentials within the Trainz Simulator video game. The content of these CDP files can be added to the Trainz Simulator video game throughout the Content Manager Plus and Content Dispatcher applets included into the Trainz Simulator video game.
Electronic Arts The Sims 2

Electronic Arts The Sims 2

The Sims 2 was released in the early 2000 and was developed by Maxis. This game was originally developed for Microsoft only but later in 2005 there port released to Apple. This game has been offered to mobile platforms such as Nokia offer this game to their OVI store. And around 2009 the Electronics art released another sequel (The Sims 3). The player's main goal is to take care of the character from birth to death. This game has different versions that run in Mac OS X, Windows, Mobile, PlayStation, and GameCube from Nintendo, Xbox, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance and PlayStation Portable. The hardware components that run on Mac OS X 10.3.8 or higher and should at least be 1.2 GHz PowerPC G4/G5, 256 MB RAM, 3 GB Hard Drive Space. The Windows PC should have Window 98 up to Windows Vista with at least 800 MHz processor, 256 RAM, 3.5 GB of Hard Drive Space.

et ord av advarsel

Vær forsiktig så du ikke omdøper utvidelsen på .kth filer eller andre filer. Dette vil ikke endre filtypen. Kun spesialkonverteringsprogramvare kan endre en fil fra en filtype til en annen.

Hva er en filtillegg?

En filtillegg er settet med tre eller fire tegn på slutten av et filnavn; i dette tilfellet, .kth. Filutvidelser forteller deg hvilken type fil den er, og fortell Windows hvilke programmer som kan åpne den. Windows forbinder ofte et standardprogram til hver filtillegg, slik at når du dobbeltklikker på filen, starter programmet automatisk. Når det programmet ikke lenger er på din PC, kan du noen ganger få en feil når du prøver å åpne den tilknyttede filen.

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