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.png Filutvidelse

Utvikler: N/A
Filtype: Portable Network Graphic
Du er her fordi du har en fil som har en filutvidelse som slutter .png. Filer med filtypen .png kan bare lanseres av visse applikasjoner. Det er mulig det .png filer er datafiler i stedet for dokumenter eller medier, noe som betyr at de ikke er ment å bli sett i det hele tatt.

hva er en .png fil?

PNG-filer er komprimert raster bildefiler vanligvis implementert for visuelle elementer funnet i en nettside blant annet webgrafikk. Bildeinnholdet av disse .png filene består av indeks farger integrert av punktgrafikkbilder, og lossless digitale bildekomprimering og koding spesifikasjoner som iverksettes i disse .png filene er lik kompresjonsstandarder integrert i GIF-filer. Også kjent som Portable Network Graphics, ble PNG format utviklet for å løfte de begrensninger av GIF-bilder, i form av fargestøtte og patentlisensiering. Gjennomsiktig kanal av disse PNG filer har blitt forbedret for å gjennomføre 8-bits støtte. CMYK-støtte er ikke tilgjengelig i disse PNG-filer.

hvordan å åpne en .png fil?

Start en .png fil eller annen fil på PCen, ved å dobbeltklikke på den. Hvis filforeningene dine er konfigurert riktig, er det programmet som skal åpne din .png filen vil åpne den. Det er mulig at du må laste ned eller kjøpe riktig program. Det er også mulig at du har riktig program på PCen, men .png filer er ikke tilknyttet det. I dette tilfellet, når du prøver å åpne en .png fil, kan du fortelle Windows hvilket program som er riktig for den filen. Fra da av åpner en .png filen vil åpne det riktige programmet. Klikk her for å fikse .png filtilknytning feil

applikasjoner som åpner en .png fil

Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Microsoft Windows

Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Microsoft Windows

Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Microsoft Windows is an image editing and managing software downloadable on Windows computers, namely Windows 7 (without SP and with SP1) and Windows XP with SP3. This software comes with new features and tools for easy, quick, fun and advanced editing of digital images. One feature that makes this program reliable for image editing is the Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine, which is an engine technology that provides faster and high quality performance. Content-Aware tools are new features designed for retouching images with ease as you can crop images without any effect, auto-correct blurriness or wide-angle lens curvatures, remove red eye, and adjust color balance like brightness and contrast. This image editor is also bundled with auto-recovery feature that can backup any unsaved images, Background Save option, Blur Gallery, Crop tool, video creation, and a whole lot more. With all these new improved features and a modern friendly-user interface, editing digital photos can never be so fun and easy without Photoshop CS6.
Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Mac

Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Mac

Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Mac is the version of “Creative Suite” image managing software designed exclusively for Mac computers, particularly Mac OS X v10.6 to 10.7 in 64-bit. This image editing program is bundled with a new set of features and tools, such as the Mercury Graphics Engine developed by the same company for fast and high quality image enhancing performance, Content-Aware features, intuitive re-imagined tools for movie designing, workflows, Blur Gallery, Crop tool and a whole lot more. The Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine functions in a way that it makes editing task easy and fast to complete. This also allows the sharing and migration of images with auto-recovery and Background Save options. The new Content-Aware tools are made for easy and controllable way of retouching or enhancing images that result in a more satisfied output. It basically lets any user to auto-correct images, crop them and correct wide angle lens curvatures.
ACD Systems Canvas 14

ACD Systems Canvas 14

ACD Systems International Inc. is the developer of ACD Systems Canvas 14, which is a technical graphics solution software, that enables users to analyze data, enhance graphics and share all information with ease and rapidness. This program is designed with full-featured tools that assist users in making technical graphics and illustrations with accuracy. It consists of editing tools that vary from image editing to object illustration tools. Any results created by this program make good presentations for projects, proposals and other purposes for any line of business related to graphics and engineering. More on the features, users can work with raster images and vector graphics using the same file with the option edit by resizing and scaling objects, drawing shapes, as well as inserting stroke and fill inks or widths. There is also a tool for adding texts or labels and format dimensions, plus creating charts. With this program, users can share finished projects through presentations or publications.
ACD Systems ACDSee 15

ACD Systems ACDSee 15

ACD Systems ACDSee 15 is a photography software that features an image organizer, viewer, and RAW/ image editor program for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X 10.6 (Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Vista, 7 & 8; Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 and Mountain Lion). It was developed by ACD Systems International, Inc. and originally distributed as a 16-bit application that was later upgraded with a 32-bit version. This minimum hardware requirement for this application is an Intel Pentium III/ AMD Athlon processor or equivalent with 512 MB RAM (with 310 MB free hard drive space), a high color display adapter at 1024 x 768 resolution, and a CD/ DVD burner. ACDSee manages and supports video and audio files in formats that include GIF, BMP, JPG, PNG, MP3, PSD, WAV, MPEG, and TIFF. Users can view, edit, add effects, and organize photo and video collections that can be shared online. Photos can be organized as these are imported from the camera or other storage device. It also features Map view and geo-tagging support that enable users to view the location of images from GPS-enabled cameras. Features like fast browsing, scanning, editing, and backup options facilitate sorting of photos by date and event, and storage of backup copies to CD, DVD, and Blu-Ray.

et ord av advarsel

Vær forsiktig så du ikke omdøper utvidelsen på .png filer eller andre filer. Dette vil ikke endre filtypen. Kun spesialkonverteringsprogramvare kan endre en fil fra en filtype til en annen.

Hva er en filtillegg?

En filtillegg er settet med tre eller fire tegn på slutten av et filnavn; i dette tilfellet, .png. Filutvidelser forteller deg hvilken type fil den er, og fortell Windows hvilke programmer som kan åpne den. Windows forbinder ofte et standardprogram til hver filtillegg, slik at når du dobbeltklikker på filen, starter programmet automatisk. Når det programmet ikke lenger er på din PC, kan du noen ganger få en feil når du prøver å åpne den tilknyttede filen.

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