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.bk 文件扩展名

开发商: N/A
文件类型: FrameMaker Book File
你在这里因为你有,有一个文件扩展名结尾的​​文件 .bk. 文件与文件扩展名 .bk 只能通过特定的应用程序推出。这有可能是 .bk 文件是数据文件,而不是文件或媒体,这意味着他们并不是在所有观看。

什么是一 .bk 文件?

Linux和Microsoft Windows为基础的系统可与用于创建,打开和编辑附加有文件的内容的支持被集成.bk延伸。这可以通过安装的Adobe FrameMaker的10软件的Linux或Microsoft Windows安装的版本来完成。在BK格式的文件通常被归类为数据文件,尽管这些BK文件被具体地称为FrameMaker的书文件。这些BK文件的内容由基准数据关于中由BK文件的作者加入其他的文本和图像格式的属性和页面布局元素的文本和图像数据。这些BK文件是使用Adobe FrameMaker的10应用程序创建的输出项目文件,这些都可以打开和编辑这个程序。这些BK文件是在包装和完成打印格式。可以嵌入到BK项目由谁想要创建一个数字图书使用Adobe FrameMaker的10软件应在BMP或光栅图像格式用户的图像。

如何打开 .bk 文件?

推出 .bk 文件,或者你的电脑上的任何其他文件,双击它。如果你的文件关联的设置是否正确,这意味着应用程序来打开你的 .bk 文件将其打开。这是可能的,你可能需要下载或购买正确的应用程序。这也有可能是你有正确的应用程序在PC上,但 .bk 文件还没有与它相关联。在这种情况下,当您尝试打开一个 .bk 文件,你可以告诉Windows的应用程序是正确的该文件。从这时起,打开 .bk 文件将打开正确的应用程序。 点击这里修复.bk文件关联错误

打开一个应用程序 .bk 文件

Adobe FrameMaker 10

Adobe FrameMaker 10

First launched in January of 2011, Adobe FrameMaker 10 is a version of the original FrameMaker, which is a document processor software used exclusively for authoring and publishing of documents with a variety of contents, including both structured and unstructured, and XML or DITA. This program is also called as FrameMaker 10 Application Pack for S1000D, because the major tasks or functions of authoring, publishing or even reviewing contents that are XML based are on S1000D standard, and definitely 4.0 document supported. With an enhanced, friendly-user interface, this program is easy to manage for the creation and publication of dataset. There are also intuitive tools, for a maximum use, including the use of table catalog, scripting, drag and drop of texts, spelling checker, content management system, automatic formatting, and templates. Publishing contents is more flexible as it works to different channels like Adobe Air, Adobe FlashHelp, PDF, HTML, Oracle Help, and WebHelp.
Adobe FrameMaker

Adobe FrameMaker

Adobe FrameMaker is a type of document processor software designed specifically for a large-structured document. This is usable for professional writers, particularly technical writers, as it consists of newly improved features. The new version is FrameMaker 11 that has great and improved features, all for publishing and authoring solution, which include XML Code View, WYSIWYG View, Author View, collaboration with PDF based reviews, CMS integration for content management, and a variety of publishing sources. Smart Paste is one unique feature of this program that makes authoring content quicker as it has the capability to convert any unstructured to structured contents. In fact, interactive multimedia, such as videos in FLV, SWF or MP4 format, and images (3D and non-3D), are also considered as contents that you can add to the document. With Hotspots feature, a user can also make linked documents. This software product works on Windows 2010, Windows 2007 and Windows 2007.


要小心,不要重命名扩展 .bk 文件,或任何其他文件。这不会更改文件类型。只有特殊的转换软件可以从一个文件类型更改一个文件到另一个。


文件扩展名是一组三个或四个字符在文件名的末尾,在这种情况下, .bk. 文件扩展名告诉你它是什么类型的文件,并告诉Windows哪些程序可以打开它。窗户经常关联一个默认程序的每个文件的扩展名,这样,当你双击该文件,程序会自动启动。当该程序不再是您的PC上,有时可以得到一个错误,当您试图打开相关的文件。


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