FES的文件擴展名是確定與由G&管委會開發Fileless發生佔位符它被列為一個數據文件產生時,有發生fileless注3D Topicscape的轉移到Windows。這是更受出口未修改的文件,以Topicscape,後來在返回該文件做了往返動作。 3D Topicscape是圖案更是PIM或個人信息管理的軟件應用程序。 PIM是應用軟件,它等效於在個人管理器。它作為一個工具,它跟踪,記錄和個人信息管理服務。個人信息包括地址簿,任務列表,個人筆記,顯著日曆日期,電子郵件,提醒,項目管理和警報。在三維Topicscape,模板提供了一種基於概念映射。該模板示出了通過圖的概念之間的關係。這種關係還示出了所涉及的知識和它們完全連接的標籤安排
3D Topicscape by G&A Management Consultants Ltd is a visual information organizing software. This tool helps users organize files of a variety of data types, which include plan projects, information management, presentation and research. Considered as a personal information manager, this software has templates built with it that is based on concept and mind mapping, which is in 3D format (nodes are cones, pyramids or other related 3D shapes) but also works in 2D. How to create 3D information or data is simple in just a few clicks, keyboard shortcuts and the use of the menus or drag and drop option integrated with it. It allows folder importing or exporting using other mapping programs like MindManger, PersonalBrain and FreeMind. It also features zooming interface when using a 2D mind-mapping application. For the nodes, there are unlimited numbers of levels that you can save on the computer. However, until the seventh level only where you can view all data at the same time.