Du er her, fordi du har en fil, der har filtypenavnet slutter i .mbox. Filer med filtypen .mbox kan kun blive lanceret af visse programmer. Det er muligt, at .mbox filer er datafiler snarere end dokumenter eller medier, hvilket betyder, at de er ikke beregnet til at blive set på alle.
hvad er en .mbox fil?
Den MBOX filtypenavn blev udviklet til en e-mail postkasse fil, der bruges i at organisere beskeder sendt og modtaget som e-mails. Normalt betragtes som en generisk betegnelse, der elektroniske meddelelser gemmes og konsolideret i en enkelt fil som almindelig tekst. MBOX er et filformat, der repræsenterer kodet information beregnet til opbevaring i en computer-fil. Den viser, hvordan bits anvendes som medium for digital lagring og måske gratis eller proprietær. Der er filformater, der bruges til særlige typer af data som PNG som gemmer bitmap billeder ved hjælp af data komprimering algoritmer kaldes tabsfri datakomprimering. Disse billeder er rekonstrueret komprimerede data kopieret nøjagtigt fra den originale data. Der er også andre formater, der bruger en anden form for kompression kaldes lossy komprimering. Denne type komprimerer billeder ved at fjerne unødvendige oplysninger kaldes bits, hvorved den fil til at være mindre i størrelse. Eksempler på disse er TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), MNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics), GZIP (Unix Tool) og ZIP filformater. Lignende komprimeringsteknologi implementeres i konsolideringen af flere e-mail beskeder til mbox-filer.
hvordan man åbner en .mbox fil?
Iværksættelse af en .mbox fil, eller enhver anden fil på din PC, ved at dobbeltklikke på det. Hvis din fil foreninger er indstillet korrekt, at det program, der er beregnet åbne din .mbox fil vil åbne den. Det er muligt, du kan få brug for at hente eller købe den korrekte anvendelse. Det er også muligt, at du har det rigtige program på din pc, men .mbox filer endnu ikke er forbundet med det. I dette tilfælde, når du forsøger at åbne en .mbox fil, kan du fortælle Windows, hvilket program er det rigtige for den pågældende fil. Fra da af, åbner en .mbox fil vil åbne den korrekte anvendelse. Klik her for at lave .mbox fil forening fejl
applikationer, der åbner en .mbox fil
Mozilla Thunderbird
Mozilla Thunderbird
Thunderbird is a free, open source email, newsgroup, news feed and chat (XMPP, IRC, Twitter) client created by the Mozilla Foundation. The project stratagem is modeled after Mozilla Firefox, a project aimed at generating a Web browser. The vanilla version is not a personal information manager, although the Mozilla Lightning extension adds PIM functionality. Additional features, if desired, are often available thru other extensions. It supports UNIX mailbox format (mbox), Mork which is utilized for internal database and SQLite also used for internal database (since version 3). Files that bear the .p7s extension are email messages utilized in email managing programs for sending, receiving or just simply viewing protected emails encrypted with digital signatures. Some of these email management applications include Microsoft Outlook 2010, PostBox and Mozilla Thunderbird. These files contain information as well as the source of the email and whether the email has been edited or modified during transmission, which means users with these email management applications incorporated with P7S support can make sure that the emails they receive are genuine, are originating from trusted senders and are not tampered with, before they open and view the emails.
Noki is a commercial service to discover and extract Phone book, SMS, Calendar, Memo, Bookmark and other user files from the backup file of Nokia phone (created using Nokia PC Suite or Nokia Ovi Suite). It gives several ways to restore info from the backup file: contacts can be exported as vCard (.vcf file) and then copied to mobile phones via Nokia PC Suite, or they can be changed to a .csv file for transport to Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express; text messages, MBOX email files and SMS can be exported to vMessage (.vmg file) format; calendar items can be saved into vCalendar format; memos and notes can be saved as .txt files; media files, which remain in their own format, can be extracted; the supported Nokia backup file formats are: .nbu, .nfb, .nfc, .arc, .cdb. Noki Software was developed by Han Zhao, released on May 3, 2007 and works in Windows operating system.
Qualcomm, the developer of Eudora (an email client), has continued improving the software that the company cooperated with Mozilla on the project Penelope. This is the also known as the Eudora version 8. The latest version works for MAC operating system (Mac OS X 10.4). If users are operating with 10.5 Leopard, configuring the sound setting of Eudora is a must whether what version of Eudora it is for this OS does not support the audio alerts of the software to avoid complications. It has a customized toolkit dialog that users can resize wherein the recipient tab is present. Filters auto naming of junk and attachments. Also, Eudora has an automatic reply to function and easier searching capabilities of emails. Eudora’s security system can support S/MIME authentication, in windows and SSL. This software can support these following email protocols: SMTP, POP3 and IMAP. To make Eudora work these minimum system requirements should be comply: 256 MB of RAM, 200 MB Hard disk drive space and PowerPC G3, G4, G5 or Intelx86 processor.
Eudora is an email base client that works with IMAP, SMTP and POP3 protocols. S/MIME authentication, SSL and in Windows are supported as well for security processes. Qualcomm is the developer of this software since 1991. This has a webmail version that is eudoramail.com but creation of new accounts is not allowed anymore. In order to have Eudora in the users system it must be running with Mac OS X or Windows operating system. The Eudora version 8 is able to run for windows win2000, winxp, win2003, winvista, win7, Linux Kernel, MAC OS X 10.4 and older versions unlike version 7. The system should have the following necessities stated: (windows) 786 MB RAM or 256 MB (win2000), 52 MB HDD and Pentium 233 MHz processor (Macintosh) PowerPC G3, G4 or G5 processor, 200 MB HDD, and 256 MB RAM (Linux) 64 MB RAM, 52 MB HDD and Intel Pentium II and AMD K6 III 233 MHz processor. Eudora has improved some of its features such as the alert sounds, easy to find users interface and platform base on Thunderbird from Mozilla.
Almost all Eudora email client versions can work on computers that run on windows operating systems (a few older versions of Eudora do not have compatibility support for Windows Vista and Windows 7). The minimum system requirements needed to enable users to utilize Eudora are 786MB RAM or win2000 256MB, Pentium 233 MHz processor and 52 MB Hard Disk Drive space. This email client supports POP3, IMAP and SMTP protocols that are secured by SSL and S/MIME authentication every time users access emails using the software. Eudora more organized compare to Microsoft outlook that is bundled in all windows operating system. It has advance features such as drop and drag, easy search, save and restore functions and more. It has various sound alerts to inform users about new emails and comprehensive spam email filtering. The latest version of Eudora has the code name Penelope that is version 8. Qualcomm, Eudora’s developer have merged with Mozilla and created this version that can communicate with Mozilla Thurderbird.
Vær omhyggelig med ikke at omdøbe udvidelse på .mbox filer eller andre filer. Dette vil ikke ændre filtypen. Kun speciel konvertering software kan ændre en fil fra én fil til en anden.
hvad er en fil forlængelse?
En fil udvidelse er det sæt af tre eller fire tegn i slutningen af et filnavn, i dette tilfælde, .mbox. Filtypenavne fortælle dig, hvilken type fil det er, og fortælle Windows, hvilke programmer kan åbne den. Windows ofte knytter en standard program til hver filtype, så når du dobbeltklikker på filen, starter programmet automatisk. Når dette program er ikke længere på din pc, kan du nogle gange få en fejl, når du forsøger at åbne den tilknyttede fil.
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