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.ofx Filutvidelse

Utvikler: CheckFree, Intuit and Microsoft
Filtype: Open Financial Exchange File
Du er her fordi du har en fil som har en filutvidelse som slutter .ofx. Filer med filtypen .ofx kan bare lanseres av visse applikasjoner. Det er mulig det .ofx filer er datafiler i stedet for dokumenter eller medier, noe som betyr at de ikke er ment å bli sett i det hele tatt.

hva er en .ofx fil?

OFX filendelsen er kjent som Open Financial Exchange-fil som ble opprettet av Checkfree, Intuit og Microsoft i tidlig 1997. Det er et filformat som brukes for finansielle datafiler som inneholder transaksjoner, uttalelser og annen finansiell informasjon. Den brukes som et åpent format for overføring av data mellom leverandører, forbrukere og finanssystemer. Det byttet Open Financial Connectivity (ofc.) Formatet som brukes av Microsoft Money. Den støtter ulike finansielle transaksjoner som forbrukere og småbedrifter bank, betaling av regninger, investeringer og skatte laster ned via Internett. Denne filen er universelt akseptert av økonomisk programvare, inkludert Intuit Quicken, Microsoft Money og GnuCash. Dette er grunnen til at mange banker i USA tillate kunder som bruker personlig økonomistyring programvare for å automatisk laste ned sine kontoutskrifter i OFX format. OFX brukes for Direct Connect som betyr at den kan kobles direkte til en bank OFX server. For Mac-brukere, kan OFX-filer åpnes med GnuCash, Intuit Quicken, Reilly Technologies Moneydance og Apple Numbers. For Microsoft Windows-brukere, kan de åpnes ved hjelp GnuCash, Sage Accpac, Microsoft Money, Intuit Quicken og Reilly Technologies Moneydance. For Linux-brukere, kan de åpnes ved hjelp GnuCash, Reilly Technologies Moneydance og KMyMoney.

hvordan å åpne en .ofx fil?

Start en .ofx fil eller annen fil på PCen, ved å dobbeltklikke på den. Hvis filforeningene dine er konfigurert riktig, er det programmet som skal åpne din .ofx filen vil åpne den. Det er mulig at du må laste ned eller kjøpe riktig program. Det er også mulig at du har riktig program på PCen, men .ofx filer er ikke tilknyttet det. I dette tilfellet, når du prøver å åpne en .ofx fil, kan du fortelle Windows hvilket program som er riktig for den filen. Fra da av åpner en .ofx filen vil åpne det riktige programmet. Klikk her for å fikse .ofx filtilknytning feil

applikasjoner som åpner en .ofx fil

GnuCash for Mac

GnuCash for Mac

GnuCash is a free software for small business and personal financial accounting. It runs on GNU/Linux, Mac, Windows, BSD and Solaris. It enables you to track your stocks, bank accounts, expenses and income. It helps you to secure accurate reports and balanced books using professional principles in accounting. It highlights functions such as stocks, bonds, mutual fund accounts, double-entry accounting, reports, graphs, small-business accounting, import of OFX/QIF/HBCI, transaction matching, financial calculations and scheduled transactions. It main features are: 1. Double Entry> Each transaction debits one account and credits the others with an equal amount to ensure a balanced book. The difference between income and expenses is exactly equal to the sum of liabilities and assets. 2. Checkbook-Style Register> You enter financial details and transactions on your register [provided with an interface] such as common credit card and checking transactions, stocks, income and currency transactions. It can split transactions, mark a transaction as reconciled or cleared, autofill entered transactions, display multiple accounts on a single window register, summary bar to display account balance, customize options for style display and appearance. 3. Scheduled Transactions> You can set reminders for transactions on their due dates. You can postpone them with the GnuCash assistant without re-entering or canceling them before due date. 4. Graphs/Charts> You can graph your financial data as barchart, piechart or scatter plots. You can customize your financial reports such as portfolio valuation, profit & loss, balance sheet, etc. 5. Statement Reconciliation> You can compare the bank’s statement with the transactions in your account to track error with data entry or untracked transactions. 6. Expense/Income Accounts: You can categorize your cash flow. You can generate reports when you use this feature with the double-entry accounting and equity accounts. Advanced features of GnuCash include: 1. Small Business Accounting> simplify management of your small business with jobs, invoicing and bills payment, customer and vendor tracking, tax and billing terms; manage employee’s payroll with a receivables and payables account; budget management for your financial plans. 2. Multiple Currencies> use double-entry to fully balance currency flows between accounts. 3. Mutual Fund/Stock Portfolio> track stocks per account [individually] or in portfolio [a group of accounts]. 4. Online Stock/ Mutual Fund Quotes> update your pricing sources and portfolio with quotes from the Web. GnuCash has other features such as check printing in standard formats, transaction finder for you to locate a transaction using query dialogue, Home Banking Computer Information [HBCI] protocol support for statement download and bank transfers, data storage in XML format, SQL database storage using MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite3, a guided dialogue for loan payments and schedules.
Microsoft Money

Microsoft Money

Microsoft Money is the personal finance management software from Microsoft Corporation that preceded Microsoft Money Plus Sunset, which opens and edits files created by Money, but doesn't offer online support or web app services. Microsoft Money 2006, which was the final version before it was replaced, allowed its users to access their savings accounts through Internet banking. MS Money users created personal budgets, tracked their expenses, and balanced financial statements. It certainly needed Windows OS to function, but its 2000 to 2006 releases also worked compatibly with select Windows Mobile versions. Since Money Plus Sunset and its two editions are meant to replace Money Essentials and its related versions, they would have the same functions as their predecessors, except for the facility to import data files from non-US Money editions, to pay bills online, and to automatically download bank statements.
Moneysoft Money Manager

Moneysoft Money Manager

The Moneysoft Money Manager Software can be employed in Microsoft Windows based systems to open and view MM6 files. The Money Manager 6 file is kept in the MM6 format; it bears with the MM6 extension and is utilized by Money Manager personal and business finance software. These MM6 files are usually categorized as data files that have financial data such as investments, purchases, sales, and bank account information. These files are employed for saving personal and company data and generating reports. Money Manager 6 is the old version and the latest version is Money Manager 7 that uses MMM file extension. For instances of software upgrades from Money Manager 6 to 7, the user may copy the data files to \Documents\Money' folder, the default location for the new version. As of today, Money Manager 6 and other Moneysoft version 6 products are no longer operating under a Windows 7 64-bit environment.
Intuit Quicken 2013

Intuit Quicken 2013

Intuit Quicken 2013 is software designed as a handy tool for managing a user's finances. This accounting software is helpful in documenting, tracking and analyzing a user's financial transactions, expenses and credit bills. It is integrated with features that make it easy to use and is convenient for beginner users. This includes configurable connectivity settings to specific banks, which means users can instantly monitor their bank transactions and pay bills without going to their banks' websites. The software can also help in checking a user's spending history and can compare the same vis-à-vis user's earning capacity. There is likewise a Tax Center feature that helps in verifying a user's taxes, as well as a feature to remind a user about his or her bills by updates sent through email or text message. The software comes in various versions, such as Premiere, Deluxe, Rental Property Management and Home and Business, to best suit everyone’s financial management needs.
Reilly Technologies Moneydance

Reilly Technologies Moneydance

Reilly Technologies Moneydance is an application that is categorized as personal finance management software, and this program has versions that are integrated with support for Windows-based computers, Mac platforms and Linux systems. Online banking features are integrated into this software, allowing users to quickly and easily do their online banking transactions with many financial institutions around the globe while keeping their personal finance information secure and organized. Online and offline banking activities of users and corresponding transaction details can also be conveniently downloaded with this software. Numerical and statistical data, such as income details, expense reports, personal tax information and so on can be converted by Reilly Technologies Moneydance into easy to analyze graphs and charts. Reminders of payment schedules and other finance-related plans can also be entered into this software. Reilly Technologies Moneydance is also implemented with support for other third party personal finance management applications that are available in supported mobile systems.

et ord av advarsel

Vær forsiktig så du ikke omdøper utvidelsen på .ofx filer eller andre filer. Dette vil ikke endre filtypen. Kun spesialkonverteringsprogramvare kan endre en fil fra en filtype til en annen.

Hva er en filtillegg?

En filtillegg er settet med tre eller fire tegn på slutten av et filnavn; i dette tilfellet, .ofx. Filutvidelser forteller deg hvilken type fil den er, og fortell Windows hvilke programmer som kan åpne den. Windows forbinder ofte et standardprogram til hver filtillegg, slik at når du dobbeltklikker på filen, starter programmet automatisk. Når det programmet ikke lenger er på din PC, kan du noen ganger få en feil når du prøver å åpne den tilknyttede filen.

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